Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Abacus OS - Generates apps from literally thousands of APIs

Dear Friends,

21 days ago, we launched Abacus OS on Kickstarter.  At Clickslide, we want to make software simple.  Our ambition is to end fragmentation in all digital technologies.  If we can do that, it’s a revolution.

It’s difficult to understand software creation if you’re not a technical person. It’s the reason we're building something completely different. We think that machines should understand humans, instead of the other way around.

Some people just don’t believe we can do what we do and others tell us that the Clickslide concepts are too technical for them to understand.  If the latter is you, we apologize, because that was never our intention; our platform is meant for everyone.

If you’re someone who doesn’t believe us, well, maybe you should reconsider the role technology plays. Technology is all about innovation. To us, that means doing the impossible.

Abacus OS isn’t a fully developed product; in fact, we’ve only just begun. But already,Abacus OS can do something that has never been accomplished before.

Abacus OS produces fully functional apps quickly and easily.  At a hackathon over a week ago, our CTO, Aaron Franco, built 9 fully functioning apps in just 7 hours, based on 2 APIs.  Those apps worked on iPhone, iPad and Android. That has never been accomplished at a hackathon by a big team, let alone a two-man team.

We are aware that we didn’t get our marketing right at first and we’re truly grateful to the complete strangers who have taken the time to help us out. We will always try to be better.  To those who have contributed time and money to us thus far, we give extra special thanks.

So, what is the problem we’re trying to solve?  Fragmentation.

Software fragmentation is a by-product of a need to make things as fast as possible without properly thinking through what we ultimately want them for. Large corporations like fragmentation, because it allows them to turn a profit at our expense. They maintain that fragmentation creates walls in the interests of competition.

We believe that competition should come from creating great products. If there were no fragmentation, all the world’s data could in theory be linked and the progress achieved by software would be remarkable.

Right now there are three areas where fragmentation has an obvious effect: the use of the cloud, the creation of mobile apps and the Internet of Things (IoT). We have concentrated on one aspect – data integration.

We cant believe that nobody cares.

Our promise to link all digital languages, data points and platforms together might seem far fetched, but we all experience the problems fragmentation creates on a daily basis. Like when you buy tickets for a show online and you’re not on the list when you get there, or when someone you know gets a really useful app and it’s not available on your particular handset.

Small problems for some, but these problems get bigger as data becomes a larger part of our lives. Many of you probably use several cloud-based applications at work that cannot speak to each other.  Whoever built those systems didn’t know you personally, so an app hasn’t been built to combine all those applications into one handy app for your own personal use. With Abacus OS, you can make that app you always wanted, without code.

We think that perhaps the cloud is part solution and part problem. What if there was a centralized server for the routing of all that data into a single app? And you could build that app without code? What if that solution sat on a tiny device that you controlled?

That's why we invented Abacus OS and put it on a series of microservers. Own your data, kill fragmentation and make apps easily :)

This is a call to arms to anyone in the world who is interested in making software better.  We’re asking you to create a renaissance that will usher in a new generation of computing. We’re not that big now, but our idea is massive. Please help us help the world by supporting our campaign on Kickstarter.

Thanks for reading,

Gabriel Ortiz and The Clickslide Abacus Team

If you want to know more about our technology, please don't hesitate to contact me or follow these links:
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