Monday, August 26, 2013

CHROMANCER :The Started Hare LLC Posted project update #6 Campaign Status Report

Campaign Status Report

Hello everyone,  

We want to give you an update on how the campaign is going, what we are planning in the 3 remaining weeks, and what you can do to help.  

So what have we done to date? Well, it's fairly self-evident if you're looking at our page! We've raised just a bit over $12.1k out of a total funding goal of $60k. That's 20%! Why is this significant? Well, one of the stats that we've read while browsing the all-knowing internet is the following:  

Of the projects that have reached 20% of their funding goal, 82% have been successfully funded. Of the projects that have reached 60% of their funding goal, 98% have been successfully funded.  

So we have 3 weeks to go, with (according to the statistics) a decent chance at making our funding goal.   Now just because the stats say one thing doesn't mean it'll happen by itself. There are a few things (well, more like many things) that we're doing to turn the momentum back in our favor, but there are also things that you can do, and that we need you to do!  

What we're planning:  
  • We just had a really great playtest today. More than 20 new players signed on and we played a bunch of games from 1-3pm. Feedback was good, mostly around user interface issues that we are already fixing and will be implementing in a couple of days.  
  • In the coming week we will be releasing a host of new content, including the Lore section of our website, new artwork, borders, as well as the upgraded version of the UI. We will be hosting at least one livestream and possibly another playtest if we can fit it in.  
  • On Wednesday, we'll all be leaving for PAX Prime in Seattle, which means we'll be a little light on updates for the following 5 days. However, we will be showing our game in the Indie MEGABOOTH to thousands of potential players, we have interviews set up with members of the press, and we'll be networking our butts off trying to get as much exposure for Chromancer as we can. The idea is to get as much press coverage as possible at PAX as well as players signed up and excited about the game in order to have a strong finish in the last 2 weeks of the campaign after we get back. 
In the meantime we'll have a constantly developing game, we'll show our progress off, and hopefully we'll excite enough people that we'll crush this thing!  

What we need from you:  
  • We need you to hustle! Be aggressive, spread the word. Talk to your friends, family, colleagues, fellow gamers. Make it your goal to get at least 1 interested party to check out the site and become a backer.  
  • I know we keep saying this, but even simple things like sharing updates to Facebook, retweeting etc. goes very far. Do you know any good gaming podcasts? Great gaming sites that will love the kind of game we're making? Know any reviewers, Let's Play'ers? Come forward please! Give us suggestions, make your voice be heard!
  • Speaking of voice, get on our forums! Comment on stuff in Facebook! We'll try and facilitate some things by giving you appropriate incentives to do so, but the best thing you can do now as existing backers of our project is be proactive about being our evangelists.  
Thank you for your support thus far. We are thrilled that there are people out there who appreciate the kind of game we're making, because we really are doing this for fellow card gamers, and not just for ourselves. Help us make this a reality!
Jon-Pal, on behalf of the Chromancer team

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