Tuesday, August 20, 2013

CHROMANCER update #4

Gen Con Update, Alpha demo and lots more

Gen Con was great, we signed up lots of people who were interested and played our alpha demo. We'll be doing more playtesting this weekend for a limited number of people out of our kickstarter backers.  New Art, Lore section and more streaming on twitch coming later this week.

Hail loyal chromancers!

As most all of you know we have spent the past 5 days at Gen Con in Indianapolis. For those of you who are unaware, Gen Con is quite simply one of the biggest gaming conventions in the US.  More than 40,000 gamers attended this year, and a large portion of them were card- and board-gamers, which is exactly the kind of crowd we wanted to be showing the alpha version of our game to.
We ran an even throughout the convention, doing group demos and letting interested gamers get their hands dirty by playing against their friends, against other attendees and against the devs. Yes, some of them beat us at our own game, but these guys are serious card players after all!
Gen Con was an amazing experience and opportunity for us to connect with the people that will make up the early Chromancer community. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, and most everyone was impressed at the depth of strategy and skill the game demands of its players. Several people came back two or three times for repeat matches! All in all, very successful with close to 500 people having signed up for new accounts. These will be generated tomorrow, and we of course hope to see a commensurate boost in our kickstarter backers as well.
Ok that’s great guys, but I wasn’t at Gen Con, I want to see the game, I want to see the ongoing development as well!
Ok ok, we hear you! Here’s what you can expect to see coming your way this week: 

Alpha version demo session

Similar to what we did at Gen Con, we’ll be having a playtest session of our Alpha version of the game this coming weekend. We’ll release details closer to the event but suffice it to say for now that we will have the participants capped (probably around 50 people), it will be first come first served, and our kickstarter backers (that’s you!) will have first dibs on signing up. Further details will go out shortly in a backer-only update.

Lore !

We’ve talked about how we want our game to be fully integrated with our lore in order to create an immersive overall experience. The lore section of our site should be up and running soon and will feature some accompanying conceptual illustrations. Those of you who appreciate a good yarn and want the background of some of your soon-to-be-favourite-Hero characters fleshed out will enjoy this. We’re pushing hard to get this to you by the end of this week!

Card Art

We showed you Blood Dretch last update and for this one we have another nasty demon card, the infamous “Black Balrog”. For those of you that have had a chance to play-test with us at Gen Con, you’ll know this guy is one mean cookie and a pro at taking out Strongholds. We hope you enjoy the piece as much as we do!

Twitch Livestream

The response from our first Twitch livestream was very positive and many people are asking us to do another one. Well, no need to ask, that was the plan all along! We will try to keep the next one short and directed so that it covers a specific aspect of gameplay in a little more detail, almost like a snippet of a live tutorial.  The plan at the moment is to do this on Friday 23rd around 4pm EST, though we'll confirm this closer to the time.
We also have some UI changes in the works, to which we are adding some feedback pointers from Gen Con.  We're estimating to have these close to the beginning of next week, and we'll be showcasing that on Twitch as well as soon as it's live!
That's it for now.  We're back from Indy and can't be more excited about the direction Chromancer is taking.  With your continued support we can make it happen, so don't forget to share these update and tell your friends.  Have advice for us?  Feedback? Just want to say hello?  Post to comments, our forums, facebook, or wherever you choose! We want to hear from you!
The Chromancer Team

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