Monday, August 19, 2013

Update #18 for The Agents

In which I do something drastic.

Update #18 · Aug 19, 2013 · comment
I woke up today and thought wouldn't be it be fantastic.
So I did!
That's right, dear backers, I've gone rogue. I'm breaking protocol. The excitement has gone to my head. I can't wait any longer. It's gotta happen. I need to do it now. As of this moment, The Agents just went 100% PLASTIC.
I know you have all eagerly been hoping to hit the Stretch Goal, and I'm confident that we're going to hit $222k in the next 6 days, but I decided that I didn't want to make you wait one more day.

As we enter the final few days of the campaign I wanted to send all 5,000 (!!) of you a huge message of gratitude for your support, so whether we hit $222k or not, I wanted to show you how appreciative I am for you pledging to help make The Agents come to life. So letting you know now that this game is going plastic is my way of thanking you all for being a part of this.
Tell your friends. Tell your neighbors. Hell, tell your enemies! S**t just got real.
For a sneak peak of some shuffling action, on some test plastic cards, get a load of the video below.
Until next time, dear friends.

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