Thursday, August 22, 2013

WARMACHINE: TACTICS Privateer Press Interactive Posted project update #43


Greeting backers! It's been almost two weeks since the close of the incredible and energetic WARMACHINE: Tactics Kickstarter. Since then, we have continued to maintain our PayPal support site at, and as promised, I'm here to report our funding through PayPal and the combined total with Kickstarter.
Nearly 600 PayPal donors brought $49,884 in funding to WARMACHINE: Tactics, for a whopping grand total of $1,628,834!!! That's 296% of our original funding goal!
While this didn't get us to another stretch goal, the additional funds exceeding the Retribution of Scyrah stretch goal will all go toward making WARMACHINE: Tactics the best game it can possibly be and will get us closer to the implementation of the Spectator Mode & Replay Cam goal that much faster after the game launches a year from now. 
For now, WhiteMoon Dreams is hard at work on the game and will have new previews of the work in progress soon. Meanwhile the sculpting studio at Privateer Press is finishing up the last of the LE sculpts, and we'll publish shots of those for you as soon as they're ready. And with the close of the PayPal donations site, we'll go right to work on preparing our backer survey, which you can expect in mid-September and at which time you'll make all your final Reward and Add On selections. And if you happened to miss anything during the Kickstarter or through PayPal, you'll be able to add funds to your pledge at that time to cover anything additional that you'd like to receive.
Once again, on behalf of Privateer and WhiteMoon Dreams, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support and encouragement. It was great meeting so many of you at Gen Con this past week and even better to see in person how much your excitement for WARMACHINE: Tactics matches our own. We can't wait to see you again in a year, only then, it will be on the battlefield! 
Watch for more updates soon!
My thanks goes on and on...
Matt Wilson

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